The Roxburgh Society


The Roxburgh Society welcomes Old Stoics who have pledged to leave a legacy to Stowe in their Will and was founded 20 years ago. In that time £2,830,000 has been gifted to Stowe and has played a significant part in the development of the School and the restoration of Stowe House. For many Old Stoics, leaving a bequest to Stowe is the best way that they can support the School and ensure that it is best placed to provide a wonderful (even magical) education to many more children for generations to come. The Roxburgh Society allows Stowe to thank those who choose to support the School in this way during their lifetimes and each year a Roxburgh Society Lunch is held at Stowe providing like minded supporters of Stowe an opportunity to enjoy dining in the State Rooms and a chance to see, first-hand, the gardens and the School’s progress.

Sadly, due to Covid-19 restrictions, this has been the first year that we have not been able to hold such a lunch, although we are very hopeful that we will be able to return to our normal calendar and host an event this coming Summer, when (God willing) Stowe will be once again full of pupils and the gardens will be back in bloom.

However, this year has seen some activity and we have been delighted to see that the launch of Change 100 has led to a number of Old Stoics choosing to leave a legacy gift to Stowe to support life changing fully-funded places for talented and deserving children at Stowe for many years to come. Should this be the best way for you to support Change 100, we would be delighted to recognise your pledge now – and count it towards our final target – so that your generosity can be recognised in your lifetime and we can share our utmost thanks.

As you read this, I hope that those who might be most vulnerable to Covid-19 will have been vaccinated and that we are beginning to see normality, sociality and congeniality all beginning to return. I expect too that Spring is budding and the new shoots of life are clearly showing. If all is happening as I expect it to, I look forward to welcoming the Roxburgh Society members back to Stowe as soon as possible for, what I am sure will be, a most welcome and exciting return to our annual, and very enjoyable, gatherings!

Nigel Rice (Chatham 64), President, Roxburgh Society