Supporting Down’s Heart GroupSupporting Down’s Heart Group

On Monday 2 December, 370 Old Stoics, Current and Former Parents and Friends of Stowe crammed into Chelsea Old Church to welcome in the festive season. Once again, we were overwhelmed by the popularity of the occasion and the Church was full to the brim.

Each year, we choose a different charity to support. This year’s charity, Down’s Heart Group, was proposed by Talulla Barrow (Lyttelton 07). Her family had barely any support available when her brother, Barnaby, was born in 1986 and she therefore feels that Down’s Heart Group is an incredibly important charity, providing an essential service to those who need it.

Barnaby and friends from his school kindly helped with the illustrations for the concert programme. Barnaby kindly illustrated the front cover. We were delighted to raised £1,000 for Down’s Heart Group. If you would like to support this worthy cause, please donate via their website:

A Trustee led charity, Down’s Heart Group (DHG) offers help and support to individuals and their families by providing counselling support, information and non-medical advice to people affected by Down’s Syndrome.  In addition to this, DHG promotes research into the specific heart conditions associated with Down’s Syndrome and disseminates useful information, findings and results to those affected.  A wide range of information, advice and guidance is available through the DHG website.  Support to families and individuals is provided (primarily through email)  such as on nutrition, managing recovery and care after cardiac surgery.  DHG are currently working towards providing additional help to those undergoing medical treatment/surgery through the award of small financial grants with a new DHG Support Fund, to launch in 2020.

This year, the OS Christmas Carol Concert will take place on Wednesday 2 December 2020. Tickets are available from the OS website.