Stowe Templars

After the damp squib of 2020, we are pleased to report that we enjoyed a full Templars season in 2021, albeit one that suffered from a wet start with three games cancelled due to rain.

After that we were back to our winning Cricketer Cup ways with a win against Old Wykehamists, before falling to the Old Cranleighans in a game reduced to a T20 due to weather. Cricket Week was once again hugely successful in terms of both results and enjoyment on and off the pitch and it was also very pleasing to see sides going out with a blend of experienced and youthful Templars.

Results ended up in favour of wins v losses and we will be looking forward to another successful year in 2022 as we lead up to the Centenary in 2023.

One point to note is that we were unable, for obvious reasons, to hold our usual pre-season supper at The Beaufort House, but we will be reintroducing that in early April 2022. It is a very enjoyable occasion and a great opportunity for new Templars to mix with the old, so make sure to put the date in your diaries when it is announced.

Nets have already been booked and will be held at Lord’s from 8-9pm on Wednesdays from 16 March to 20 April. For those interested, please contact Adam Cossins (Walpole 05),, 07545 590710.

We will, as always, be putting a major push behind recruiting younger match managers and players for next year, so do please support the club by coming and playing in 2022. If you wish to get in touch with us, contact Tom Young (Grafton 15),, 07713 867234 or Rupert Rowling (Cobham 05),, 07833 694336.

Oliver Croom-Johnson (Temple 69)