Simon Richardson (Lyttelton 76)

Simon writes, “We learnt a bit about sustainability whilst living in a caravan for 15 months. We circumnavigated Australia anti clockwise and worked part time to support ourselves. Jobs included painting on a cattle station in the Northern Territory and working in holiday parks as managers in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. I became an expert on 12v technology! It is easy to live off-the-grid in Northern Australia as there is sun and fresh/bore water, however, you need to be careful with the crocs and snakes! With solar power and good batteries being well developed, many appliances have been designed for 12v. The only thing we couldn’t use was the air con, but even with mains power, the fridge and air con were ineffective in 40-degree heat. I’m currently installing a big fridge in our 4-wheel drive via a second battery – a must have in remote Australia. Campfires are very popular, not only for warmth and keeping the mozzies at bay, but also nice to hang a Billy off. I’m currently living in an award winning apartment known for its sustainability in Melbourne. We use recycled water which is solar heated and I’m now planning our next trip around Oz.”