O thou mighty ice rink
Upon whole muddy brink
Stand and shiver Stoic figures,
About to face thy frigid rigours.
With shiny statues in hand
They huddle whispering in a band:
Wilt thy smooth surface hold?
Shall they be so very cold…?
The eager-sportsman world goes round:
Thy surface is both safe and sound;
So, with many a fervent wish,
They across thy swift surface hiss
Now comes fast-melting thaw
Who closes soon that frozen door
To cold, care-free days,
And snow-white slippery ways.
David Grant (Cobham 56)
David Grant (Cobham 56) kindly sent in this poem, written whilst he was in the 3rd form at Stowe. It was rejected from The Stoic during the 1950s but now sits happily in the Stowe Archive, having been sent to us in response to our appeal to collect Stowe memoirs and ephemera in time for 2023. David kindly sent the accompanying rejection slip too!
We would be glad to receive photographs, memories or trinkets from your Stowe days for the Stowe Archive in time for the Centenary. Please contact the OS Office on 01280 818349 or email oldstoic@stowe.co.uk.